Life Lately No. 2

Hi there! Sharing a long overdue Life Lately post to let you know what I’ve been up to! 

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I feel like the last few weeks have been such a blur and the first thing that’s been neglected (sadly) has been my blog and Instagram! Our family schedule has been so busy and every day/night it’s as though we have something on the calendar. Now that I’m 37 weeks pregnant, I have weekly doctor appointments and I started seeing a chiropractor weekly to prepare my body for labor. 

I think the hardest part is juggling childcare for Teddy. My mom is a saint and has been watching Teddy multiple times a week. He loves it because he gets to run around my parent’s 10-acre farm and feed all the animals. Whenever we are home he will inevitably ask, “Mimi? Pops?” I’m thankful that my parents are only five minutes up the road from us! 

Teddy running around at my parent’s farm! 🙂

Tying Up Loose Ends & Prepping For Baby

We have what feels like a LOT of loose ends that need to be tied up before baby girl’s arrival (I keep wanting to share her name but I’m trying to wait until her big arrival!). Over the last few weeks, Aaron has worked so hard to get Teddy’s new room already. That involved new hardwoods, painting, and wainscoting. While  I still need to hang up his wall decorations, Teddy is officially moved into his new room! We also painted the nursery and set up the new crib.  Things are moving right along but there is still more that needs to be done before her big arrival!

New car, who dis?!

I think the biggest news is that we got a MINI VAN!!! If you follow along on Instagram, you know that we’ve been saving up for a new car and have been looking for a few months. The car market is crazy so we knew that we wanted to have all of our ducks in a row before even considering a car in fear that we would lose it waiting for the bank or whatever. We thankfully found one that checked all the boxes for us at a local car dealer and picked it up earlier this week. We got a 2019 Honda Odyssey and I am obsessed! I’ve heard so many great things about the Odyssey and I can see why it’s so loved! 

Goodbye blonde, hello brunette!

Another big-ish change for me is that I am no longer blonde! At the end of the summer, I decided that I wanted to go back to my natural brunette color. I actually waited a few weeks before making the final decision. I didn’t want my hormones to be the reason for what could be viewed as an impulsive decision. But after weeks of thinking it over, I really wanted to change things up. I’ve been getting my hair highlighted on and off for years but have been consistently blonde for about five years now. The constant bleaching has done a number on my hair and I just wanted a break and to give my hair a breather. Plus with a newborn and a toddler, juggling the upkeep just seemed like too much. So I made the change and I’m sooo happy I did. My hair looks and feels healthier already! If you didn’t see my transitional reel, here it is! 

Mixed Emotions as Due Date Approaches

As I count down the days until the baby’s arrival I’m going through a mix of emotions. This pregnancy has stretched me. Quite literally, ha! I’ve been struggling with lots of soreness, hip and back pain, and just general discomfort for most of the third trimester. Over the last few weeks, my skin has been horrible. I’ve had the worst hormonal acne flare-up in maybe forever.

I’ve also just felt really insecure about my weight gain this pregnancy. It’s technically still within the normal range and none of my doctors have expressed concern, but I just feel huge. So my confidence these last few weeks/months have just tanked and I’m over it! (Probably another reason I haven’t been posting as much!) 

I’m trying to remind myself of the blessing of pregnancy. Especially when I look back to this time last year. November 2, 2021, is the day I miscarried our second baby at six weeks and here we are almost a year later and we are expecting baby #3 any day. God is good and I’m trying to have that mindset and remember that any and all discomfort that I’m experiencing now will be so insignificant once our baby girl is here. After our loss last year, I’m just so eager to hold my baby girl and finally meet her. 

This post is already crazy long so I’ll stop here for now. Thanks for reading and be sure to follow along on Instagram.

Hi! I'm Brooke

Hi, prepster! Welcome to my little corner of the internet, The Perennial Prepster. Here, I share my everyday classic style, motherhood, and everything in between! Thanks for being here.